safari plug in

If the plug-in is installed, Safari might ask whether to use the plug-in once or every time you visit the website: Use Once: Safari uses the plug-in to show content on this website during this visit. The next time you visit, Safari asks again.

相關軟體 Safari 下載

Safari是美商蘋果電腦推出的瀏覽器,原先只在MAC上面使用,後來推出了Windows版本,目前它能運作在iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, MAC和PC這些不同的平台上面。 它在網頁的呈現上,提供給我們相對寬廣的瀏覽器視窗,並且提供視覺化的方式,在Top Sites這個功能裡,我們可以選擇想要瀏覽的網頁和歷史記錄,並且是用翻閱的方式,讓我們有不同的使用體驗。它也...

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  • If the plug-in is installed, Safari might ask whether to use the plug-in once or every tim...
    How to use Internet plug-ins in Safari for Mac - Apple Support
  • This tutorial is only intended for users running the Safari Web browser on OS X and macOS ...
    How to Manage Plug-ins in the Safari Web Browser
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    Apple - Safari - Safari Extensions Gallery
  • Safari plug-ins - unblock Try un-installing and then re-installing. Adobe Flash Uninstalle...
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    macOS - Safari - Apple
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  • 2017年3月30日 - If Safari's performance suffers after you install a plug-in, you can dis...
    Safari for Mac: If you need to remove a Safari plug-in - Apple Support
  • 2014年11月13日 - If Safari's performance suffers after you install a plug-in, you can bl...
    Safari 8 (Yosemite): If you need to remove a plug-in - Apple Support
  • 2017年3月15日 - A step-by-step tutorial on how to manage plug-ins in the Safari Web browser ...
    How to Manage Plug-ins in the Safari Web Browser - Lifewire